Friday, 12 June 2015

Simple dish cloth

I've been busy all week making up dish cloths, with 7 people and no dishwasher we go through allot of these! I love them, you can scrub glass, leave them hanging with out fear of stench, and they are a wonderful gift to give. I've been making some for our home and some to give as teacher gifts. Teachers often get allot of gifts they can't really use and wind up collecting dust because they feel guilty for donating a gift. I like to give things that people can actually make use of, as I am a guilty hoarder of gifts given that serve no purpose. I completely understand why getting something that can be used is a delight.
When I give these out as gifts for teachers I usually include a gift card for the local coffee shop, who doesn't love coffee?! Or a nice cup of tea for that matter.
I've given these dish cloths out as gifts for weddings, new home owners, and as gifts for the hard to shop for person.
They knit up very quickly, the pattern is nice and simple, and the best part is gauge doesn't really matter all that much. You can use what ever gauge you like, I personally prefer to make this a bit bigger then usual as they tend to shrink, and I like having a bigger cloth to wash with. When in doubt follow the size of needle given to you on the cotton's label.

To make these all you need is cotton, I love Bernat's cotton, it seems to hold up very well.

Cast on 4 sts using long tail cast on
Row 1 - Knit 2, YO, Knit to the end of the row
Row 2 - Knit 2, YO, Knit to the end of the row
Continue Row 1-2 until you've increased to 44 Sts
Next you'll begin the decrease
Row 1 - Knit 1, K2TOG, YO, K2TOG, Knit to end of row
Row 2- Knit 1, K2TOG, YO, K2TOG, Knit to the end of the row
Continue until you have 4 sts remaining on your needle, cast off, sew in ends and enjoy!

Pretty simple right?!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

It's the simple things

Growing up I spent most of my time with my grandparents. I have many fond memories, but my most cherished memories are of the simple things we always did together. I enjoyed gardening with Grandpa in his big vegetable garden, and I also enjoyed sewing or knitting with Grandma. I learned allot of valuable skills from my grandparents.
Life was always so laid back, calm and serene. We had our schedule, morning was set for the gardens or errands. Afternoon, after lunch was a time for relaxing and enjoying a hobby, early evening was dinner. Come late evening it was time to just relax in front of the television.
There is just something about the simple things in life that give me the greatest sense of accomplishment and joy.  Simple things like growing a plant from a small seed, watching it become either a beautiful flower or a vegetable to feed my family with.
When I became a parent with children of my own, I wanted them to experience the life I lived, our world has grown so fast, chaotic, scary and expensive!
I didn't apply my skills much until my second child came along, that's when I learned to truly be grateful for what I had and apply the lessons I had learned from my grandparents. My ex husband had just been laid off and money was extremely tight.
I've worked, many jobs in fact, and have found that for my self there is no real job that works for my family and our needs. So out of need and want, I applied my skills to our home and life. I've continued to do so even through some tough times, a divorce will drag you through the mud let me tell you. It will also teach you to learn from past mistakes and just how big a family can really get!
Both my ex and I have since moved on and found new partners, each of whom have children of their own.

I spend hours scouring pintrest for recipes to feed a family of 7, I knit everything and anything that is useful to our family, we grow as much as we can in our very tiny backyard. Family night is usually spent hanging out together, either listening to music or sitting by a fire. Do we live in a big fancy house? Or have all the money in the world to never worry? No, we do not. But do you know what we do have? Each other, and in the end isn't that all that really matters, having the ones you love the most around you, working and playing together.

Life is simply not worth living if you are not enjoying living it.